Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wow...I can't believe that I am a blogger. I wonder will anybody read it? Who knows...who cares really, I am creating this blog for me ...kinda a history I can look back on one day and remember how my crazy insane love for fiber started me on this journey.Let's see where to start... Every since I was a little girl I have loved yarn, I love the feel of it, I love the beautiful colors and texture. My Grandmother who we all called Mama always had yarn and was always doing something crafty. My Mother tells me she knitted but I do not remember her knitting. I remember her always embordering which I love also but there again it requires the use of floss which is a fiber which I'm all over. Anyway, when I would go to Adel GA to visit my Mama I always wanted to be crafty with her and now being a Mimma with little granddaughters I realize the patients she must have had with me because I was always in her stuff. I remember sitting on the front porch of her house with her and she would give me a ball of yarn and a coat hanger, she showed me how to cover the wire with little slip knots. I thought I was really doing something (which I was ) and she was actually getting covered hangers out of the deal. I bet you one summer I covered every hanger in her house and then started on the ones at home. My grandmother taught me how to hook rugs, she bought me a crochet hook, let me pick out yarn, helped my with my embordery and then cross stitch. I have such fond memories of my Mama and the stories we would talk about while "messing with yarn". I learned so much from her while we sat on the porch. Stories of her childhood, memories of her love for my Papa, stories of my Mother and uncles when they were children. She also taught me about the love for family and the importance of tradtions. It is my only hope that one day my little granddaughters will say the samethings about me. How they would sit with Mimma and do "yarn stuff"Ok...let's fast forward 30 plus years to now. I taught myself to knit about ummmm a year ago, I love it...I have made several sweaters, hats, socks you know the normal stuff. This is really a accomplishment for me because I guess I have at least 20 or so UFO's (unfinished objects), I have tons of unfinished cross stitch, tons of unfinished crochet thingys, thought about becoming a purse maker....HA..thought about becoming a pillow maker ....HA but knitting.....Knitting is different for me. I at first bought my yarn from places like Wal-Mart, Joann's, Michael's which by the way are fine places but I discovered real yarn stores and I can't bring myself to buy from anyplace else they just don't make me as happy as yarn shops. I use to think all yarn was made with acrylic in it. I thought all yarn was scratchy and stiff but, boy was I wrong. I'm lucky enough to have 2 wonderful stores in my area and I love to visit both. I would have to say my very favorite is KnitWitz in Mandarin. Not only do they have wonderful yarns and are so friendly and helpful but they have honest to goodness fiber, stuff they call roving....Oh my gosh....I now have another love it's spinning. And so the story truly begins ....The adventures of Mimma and KnittyPurl. The Grandmother and her Angora Rabbit.

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